
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

About a week ago, our team split from our squad and traveled to another city about an hour and a half from Siem Reap to partner with another ministry host. We will be away for about a month with just our team focusing on new ministries and people. Going into it, we knew very little of what to expect but came in with hopeful hearts.

Man, were we surprised when we arrived at the school where we are living. As we pulled in a bunch of students and staff were waiting for us cheering for us when we got out of the van. They had also made a real sign for us that said, “Warm Welcome to Team Epimone – World Race.” They were all so kind and welcoming as we exchanged greetings and took pictures in front of the sign. 

Over the past week, our main ministry has been teaching English to high schoolers. Knowing English is really highly valued in Cambodia because it opens up job opportunities and helps them to further their education. The classes we teach know some English so it has not been too challenging to communicate. We have really been helping them with pronunciation because their teacher does not even have good pronunciation with many words. We have all enjoyed getting to teach English and appreciating how difficult our language is. Our team has also been able to appreciate how challenging Khmer is to understand and speak. At the school we are living at, it has been awesome getting to know the kids and talk with them. They are all very interested in talking to us. We are treated like we are famous as they want to take pictures with us and get our Facebook’s. 

Our other ministry has been helping and leading worship at a local church started by a Korean lady named Grace. We had the chance to prepare some worship songs and sing them for church on Sunday. Also, her and her husband have a separate house where they support 10 high school aged kids and we were able to interact and play soccer with them. It has been cool to build a relationship with Grace, her husband and the kids and we look forward to working with them more in the coming weeks. 

As we have been away from our squad, our team has been able to develop a really good relationship with the English teacher we work with and the restaurant owner of the place we eat at everyday. Sokam, the English teacher, has really opened up to us about his beliefs and been so kind to invite us to his house twice to eat. Soheng and his wife, the restaurant owners are so kind to us and treat us so well. They always make sure we eat enough and like the food. They are all so kind to us and it has blessed us so much. We have been able to share that we are Christian missionaries and are really close to being able to share the Gospel with them. So I ask if you would pray for their hearts to be open to hearing it. 

Overall, our team has been doing really well. Some of us have been sick with various sicknesses but it has not been bad. We are all learning what it looks like to do ministry and walk with the Lord intently as we have a lot of flexibility. A prayer request for my team is that we would all be purposeful and not waste the time we have to impact the people around us. 


7 responses to “Team Time”

  1. Nate,
    It’s so exciting to hear all the opportunities that the Lord has put in front of you as you travel. Will continue to pray for open hearts and focused minds. Keep up the good work brother, hearing about all the great things that the Lord is doing right now around you is very encouraging to those of us back home!

    Zig Hyman

    “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”
    ??Isaiah? ?26?:?3?-?4? ?NIV??

  2. So excited to see how God is using you and your team. We continue to pray for you and pray that God would protect and guide you.

    Numbers 6:22-26
    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
    The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

  3. Praying for you this morning, Nate! Joining you in asking the Lord to open hearts and minds to the gospel. Also praying for help and wisdom as you interact with these precious images-bearers. May God give you every word you need, and may He continue to expand your heart for lost souls.

    With all of our love, and on behalf of your entire church family, Pastor Dave

  4. Nate,
    What a joy it is to receive your updates and read about you being the salt and light to the lost. May the Lord continue to give you the strength to do his good work. We are continuing to pray for you and your team as you have more opportunities to share the gospel. Love ya!
    The Matthews Family
    “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
    ??Ephesians? ?3?:?20?-?21? ?ESV??

  5. Nate,
    I get so excited when I see you have made a new post. You are out there doing what many of us could only dream of. It must be scary and exciting at the same time. Remember, you are fully equipped, and you have the best news these people over here in their lifetimes. I pray that you will all be confident and bold when God presents the time for you to share. I pray that their hearts are being softened now to hear what you have to say and if they can join you as brothers and sisters in Christ the Dietrich’s love and miss you and we’re so proud of you!

  6. Nate,
    It is so good to read your updates, and I smile over the hospitality you have been shown. This is a “God-wink.” His care for you is evident, both through believers and non-believers.
    I am praying for you and the team. May you be led by the Holy Spirit, His words, and His timing. May our God go before you all to soften the hearts of Sokam and his family. May it be fertile soil, prepared by the Lord, and ready with open ears for the beautiful proclamation of the Gospel.
    God bless you and keep you, Nate!

  7. Nate you are in my thoughts and prayers daily! I look so forward to see how our Father is using you and your team to drawn the loss to Him! I will pray for your strength and health and for continued wisdom in your words and actions to draw all you encounter to our Savior!
    Trust in the Lord with all of your heart lean not unto your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path!! Jo Ann